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June 27


Prix libre
et conscient 

Welcome to the
Bru·x·elles Festival
website !

The Bru·X·elles Festival is a platform that brings together players in the cultural sector to think about, design and implement new professional practices that are more inclusive, egalitarian and safe. At the same time, the festival offers an exclusively FINTA* artistic programme.



Giving visibility to FINTA* people


Raising awareness on gender-based violence

Raising awareness on eco-responsability



Highlighting collaborations between the language communities


  • To raise awareness and promote the values of the festival, with an emphasis on the promotion of FINTA artists 

  • Bringing together Brussels (inter-community) and international partners around the values of the festival and initiating reflections between them 

  • Strengthen the network of actors for FINTA people in the music sector 

  • To develop a new concept of feminist and inclusive festival 

  • To develop pedagogical tools to enable the realisation of more inclusive festivals at all levels

*FINTA = Fæmme, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans, Agender, …

Discover our artists
Pro convention

Music by Bobbi Lu (Pretty planet)
Directed by Layla Schenkel & BenRichard

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